Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 18:30
Extended hours - by appointment only
Tuesday 18:30 - 20:00
Saturday 08:30 - 11:00
Telephone numbers
Emergencies | 571-497-3232 |
Appointments and Results | 01536 522633 |
General Enquiries | (0312) 288 6888 |
Health Visitors | 0300 9111 022 option 4 |
Telephone calls
Reception staff are available to take your telephone calls at all times during opening hours. If you wish to speak to a doctor or nurse please advise the receptionist. The receptionist will record your message and ask the clinician to return your call. Only urgent matters will be dealt with in the afternoons.
Closures for Training Afternoons
The practice is closed for one training afternoon per month. The list of Protected Learning Time dates in 2019 is as below:
16 | January |
13 | February |
13 | March |
3 | April |
15 | May |
12 | June |
10 | July |
NO TRAINING | August |
11 | September |
9 | October |
6 | November |
4 | December |
If Galviacare Hospital is closed and you need medical help fast, please call 911.